Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bibliography of Project


Peter Saville Talks About Design

This site was definitely my most useful source since it contains a lot of valuable information about Peter Saville, the graphic designer I am researching about, including quotes, dates and pictures.


Facts about Peter Saville

This website plays an important role in my bibliography because it’s filled with statistics and pictures that I can use in my poster.


The Graphic Design of Peter Saville

A very reliable and important resource since this website is specified mostly on the graphic design of Peter Saville and explains where he got his inspiration from and how he has influenced the industry of design. 


Peter Saville: A Graphic Designer

Consisting of very limited but unique information, this website presents the history and the general information about Peter Saville and tends to be quite handy.


An Interview With Peter Saville

In this one-on-one interview, Peter Saville expresses a lot of his thoughts and ideas quite descriptively and gives me a better understanding of his genre of designing.  


Factory Outlet: Little White Lies (Interview with Peter Saville)

A very long but informative interview that provides me with important statistics and explanations about the graphic design style of Peter Saville.



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