Thursday, December 4, 2008

Weekly Post 10 (Special)

5 Articles I read:

3 Articles I chose:
From this article, I learned that graphic design plays an important role in music album covers. Contrast and proximity are the two most important elements when designing an album cover according to this article.
I liked this article a lot because it is very interesting and shows me a lot of about designs of today. For example, the bookshelf is looks quite strange and has a weird structure. However, people still think it is cool and is fashionable. It shows how the designs have changed throughout the past decade or two decades.
This article concentrates more on web designing and is presenting the new of design of Facebook. In addition, this article proves that Facebook has achieved its goal as being a social network. Even though it is a great design, there are a few negative points. This shows that there is no such thing as a perfect design since there is always something to work on on a graphic design.

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